Saturday 11 August 2007

Over 800km and hurting...

We made it down to Royan in record time (4 days) but then found ourselves slowing down in the heat of the Gironde. Although we are now on a traditional Chemin de St Jaques route, which leads us due south through the pine forests, it seems harder work putting in the kiliometres now. This is partly due to the lack of differentiation in scenery, and partly because everywhere is so touristy that it feels depressing reaching another beach resort at the end of each day. Beginning to long for the Pyrenees which are only about 200km away now.

We are currently in Arcachon (further south than Bordeaux) and resting up for two days. Have bought a knee support for my left knee and Seth went to the doctor with Sciatic Nerve problems. He's been given some anti-inflammatories and thinks its already getting better. In general though we feel physically exhausted and are using our two days off to do some swimming, stretching and slobbing on the beach.

On the bright side, we managed to find free accommodation (campsites are so expensive in this region that its almost a choice of eating or camping with facilities). Out of desperation I trawled all the churches in the town for some assistance and we were eventually warmly welcomed by the Dominican Brothers who let us pitch in their garden. In addition to the soothing chants wafting from the church we also get one of the best views of the bay in town.

I miss family and friends a lot at the moment and can't wait to catch up with everyone in the autumn.

Love to all, especially Layal xx

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