Monday, 18 June 2007

Week 2

Rain & Blisters

We are now in the beautiful town of Maure de Bretagne and the sun has come out. The last 6 days of walking have been very wet and I have grown a blister the size of a toe. We've made reasonable progress and hope to reach the Loire by the end of next week.

The highlight of the week was being taken in by a very kind family in a village called St Thuriel. The local campsite was closed so they allowed us to camp in their garden and offered showers, a wonderful meal and great company (see our photos). The memory of their warmth and hospitality kept us going whilst tramping through driving rain, soaked to the bone with only a slimy tent to look forward to.

Have met some great characters in Brittany on the road; one old man called Alonso who was born in Compostela, and another called Dominique who has completed the Camino twice, by bike and foot. For some reason I feel these are good omens. The constant stream of road-kill less so.

Love to all.

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