Thursday, 28 June 2007

350km and something snaps...

Am writing from beautiful Nantes on the Loire river.

The journey between Brittany and Loire Atlantique saw the small rolling hills widen into sweeping vistas with larger picturesque towns such as Blain. We reached out destination on the Loire, the appropriately named Le Pellerin, three days ago, by which time my blister had gone a festering grayish colour and inflammation had swollen my ankle to elephantine proportions and redness was tracing its way up my leg towards the knee. Headed straight for the largest hospital in Nantes where the doctors seemed facinated with the situation and all wanted to prod the general area for some unknown diagnostic benefit. Finally they decided to cut open the blister, drain off the infected liquid and clean out the wound. They have put me on antibiotics, asked me to see a nurse every day for two weeks and suggested I don't walk for at least 15 days.

It's very frustrating, especially as walking becomes quite addictive as do the simple daily routines. But not ready to call it a day yet, so inshallah, we will be back on the road in a couple of weeks. Seth is patiently accepting our fate and is being supportive as ever.

Finally, in what Seth rightly describes as a damning indictment of the British educational system, we are both celebrating Firsts in our International Development degrees. A couple of glasses of unpilgrimly champagne were administered to deal with the shock of the news.

Love to all.

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